Leisure’s Commitment to Occupational Health & Safety:

Leisure is dedicated to conducting its business activities in a socially responsible manner, prioritizing the prevention of harm to its employees, guests, assets, environment, and the sunounding community. We are committed to ensuring that Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) is given equal importance to other business goals, such as revenue generation and customer service. We will never allow Health & Safety requirements to be compromised in the pursuit of commercial success and aim to deliver and uphold the highest standards of Occupational Health & Safety throughout all business operations.

To achieve the above, Leisure is committed to:


To achieve these commitments, Leisure pledges to:

  • We are committed to the safety of our guests while they use our rides and entertainment facilities, as well as maintaining a safe and secure environment for all guests and employees.
  • We support the health and well-being of our employees by preventing work-related injuries and occupational
  • We will comply with all applicable occupational health, safety, and environmental laws, regulations, standards, and industry best practices, including ISO 4500I:2018 guidelines and
  • We will establish and maintain an Occupational Health & Safety Management System that is compliant with the ISO 4500I:2018 standard, setting, reviewing, and achieving measurable health and safety objectives and
  • We will create a safe and healthy work environment by identifying, eliminating, or minimizing hazards and risks through an effective risk management program.
  • We will ensure that all employees are aware of their individual roles and responsibilities, understand and comply with relevant standards and procedures, and are suitably trained and motivated to recognize and control workplace
  • We will timely investigate all incidents and occupational illnesses, take appropriate corrective actions, and communicate findings to all concerned to prevent
  • We will build a positive safety culture and regularly monitor our facilities, processes, and systems to achieve continual improvements in our OHSMS.
  • We will ensure consultation and participation of workers in various OH&S
  • We will communicate this policy to all employees, contractors, guests, and other stakeholders, making them aware of their individual obligations to OH&S.

This policy is available to all interested parties and will be displayed on company premises, entertainment areas, and through Leisure’s website and other communication means. Leisure shall review this policy annually or as needed to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Leisure shall review this policy annually, or as and when required.